Thursday 15 September 2011

New post? WHAT!?

Wow, it's literally been about two months since I posted last.
Not much has happened though, and nobody cares :']
Won't stop me posting about it though.

I go to Liverpool on Monday, because I'm starting my course the week after and I have 'events' that I apparently have to go to. But since Ellie and I don't have accommodation until the 24th, we're going to be living in a travel lodge for Four days. From Monday - Friday.
Then we're coming back on Friday, and moving into a 2 bedroom flat on the Saturday. 
It's exciting though, new place, new rules and that....

And yesterday I went to Carlisle to help Liam shift his crap, and to see him off and that... Sad timez.

He's going to come to Liverpool though at some point, or I'm going to go to Carlisle... Whoever has more money at he time...

And chances are He's the only person who'll read this, so HI LIAM!

Me and Corey are going to see Katy Perry next month, On Halloween actually :D That should be fun.

Another thing about that is I get the Monday and Tuesday off, so I won't even need to skip University lectures to do it! So long as my timetable doesn't change... Which I hope it doesn't



Tuesday 19 July 2011

Eee Eye Eee Eye OH!

Not a bulky blog today... Oh well
Went to Dunster Castle with Corey today =D
It was good... took many many photos... like... 200 and something! GASP!
And it was sunny, kind of..
Anyway... HERE!

Sunday 17 July 2011


Right... SO! I know I've not blogged in like....... 2 weeks? Not that anybody is noticing out there :P But OH what an eventful 2 weeks they have been!

FIRST, me and the lovely Liam went to Stoke on the 8th of July to see our friend NIKKI! Who is Awesome, by the way.

On the friday we met up with her and wandered around stoke... Went to a park... THEY STOLE MY SHOES. They're spawn of satan.
The floor was wet.... I was wearing tights... ¬_¬
And... AND! It is SO hard to sleep when  party is going on downstairs, and I am NOT pleasant when I'm tired... JUST ASK LIAM.
So. On the Saturday we went to Alton Towers, which was awesome :D We had those super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot fast tracks that let you on anything as many times as you want in the front of the queue.... We took advantage of this. We're to impatient to wait anyway, it probably just would have made me crankier....
But Anyway... THAT Day was AWESOME. Then we stopped over again on the Saturday night (again, hard to sleep with parties going on) 
So on the sunday morning we headed home, and I must say to Liam I am truly sorry for being such a cow xD

THE DAY AFTER!!! (The Monday)
Me and the WONDERFUL Corey travelled to Manchester to see Ke$ha live at the o2 Apollo :D 
It's hard to find if you don't know where it is already... My phone's sat nav led us astray!
So we weren't really near the front... but it was still beautiful. I got the tour shirt... AWESOME.

AND THEN! (wait what, there's more?!?! WHAT AN EXCITING LIFE I LEAD)
On the friday (the 15th) 
Corey and I travelled down south (on a SIX AND A HALF HOUR car journey!) to MINEHEAD which is where we currently are!
So on Saturday we went SWIMMING! Which I haven't done in ages.. so that was fun... Then in the evening we went to hotshots and sat around... played LOADS of Air hockey, Corey tried to kill a child...

He's a menace to society.
I will upload a few photos with this post actually...
TODAY we went to the beach, and we actually found a SUBWAY! I have 837 points on my Subcard.... that's alot....
Anyway.... Rambled on enough now.... PEACE OUT!

Wednesday 29 June 2011

New Stuff!

So I went to Manchester today, and as I said I would, I bought some new clothes....
And some new shoes!
Spent the most in H&M, as I always do, because it's my absolute FAVOURITE SHOP... Not going to go into what I bought... because let's be honest, YOU don't care :P

Next week I'm going to Stoke with Liam, as I'm pretty sure I've said before...

The week after I'm going to see Ke$ha with Corey. This is posing problems, as she's playing in Manchester and we need to figure out a way to get home.... 
We'd rather not be stranded there for the night :P
And the Friday after Corey and I see Ke$ha, we're both going away for a week...

We're going to *drumroll* BUTLINS! 
The one in Minehead... Usually I go to Skegness, so this should be a nice change.
A week away with one of my alltime BEST friends, hopefully we don't resort to whacking each other with sticks... 

Anyway, back to whatever I was doing before..

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Rainbows and Butterflies

Hello readers! Both of you :P
Nothing new here, not really unusual though.
I do have a strage urge to go ice skating though, even though I SUCK at it...

Ah well, 3 months off, maybe I'll go then :)

So next week, Liam and I are heading down to Stoke for a couple of days to see our AMAZING friend Nikki, and then we'll all go to Alton Towers where everyone eats rainbows and poos butterflys!
...not really though

I'm actually REALLY looking forward to it, wondering what I need to take though... Towels? Hmmm...

Also, I'm going to Manchester tomorrow, which means it's time for NEW STUFF!
I love new stuff, but then again, I'm a girl.

Anyway, peace out!

Monday 27 June 2011

Welcome to the blog world... Bloggerverse? Anyway

So I've never actually written a blog before.. Not that anyone will read it, so I suppose I have NOTHING to worry about!

...The font just changed while I was typing... this was not intentional.

I suppose I should start with
Hello! My name is Sarah, and I've been told by two people that I should start a blog, so START A BLOG I DID!

I figured out how to change the font back... but I kind of like that sore thumb paragraph, so I'll leave it in Courier :)

So Today, my friends and I went to the reservoir, which was lovely, because the weather is in many opinions, Lovely.
Not in mine. Cynical Sarah. I disapprove of warm, sunny weather.
This is because with sun, comes Pollen, 90% of the time.
And I have HAYFEVER!
And the tablets didn't work. 
I must have gone through Several tissues, snotty, snotty tissues.
Nice little fact for you there =]

BESIDES THAT, I had a pretty good day.

The company was more or less perfect =]
And now I have.... 3 months to waste! 

Anyway, I could ramble on forever, but I won't.

So in Summary; My name is Sarah, Pollen is Evil, I love my friends.

Peace out :)