Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Rainbows and Butterflies

Hello readers! Both of you :P
Nothing new here, not really unusual though.
I do have a strage urge to go ice skating though, even though I SUCK at it...

Ah well, 3 months off, maybe I'll go then :)

So next week, Liam and I are heading down to Stoke for a couple of days to see our AMAZING friend Nikki, and then we'll all go to Alton Towers where everyone eats rainbows and poos butterflys!
...not really though

I'm actually REALLY looking forward to it, wondering what I need to take though... Towels? Hmmm...

Also, I'm going to Manchester tomorrow, which means it's time for NEW STUFF!
I love new stuff, but then again, I'm a girl.

Anyway, peace out!

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